The Wheeling Alternative
What's going on? (with update)
Why is the Intelligencer suddenly acting like a real newspaper (at least with Trump)?
Given their coverage the last two days, I was surprised that there were two stories critical of President Trump on the front page of today's Wheeling Intelligencer:
Comey Pushed Harder For Russia Probe (AP story)
And on page 7:
. . .Ignoring, burying, then biasing negative Trump stories
It's just Wheeling "newspapers" doing their job supporting the Trump presidency
As can be seen by perusing other newspapers, yesterday's top national news story was former Attorney General Sally Yates telling senators that she had warned President Trump about Michael Flynn. Here is a sample from
While it made it to the front page of every newspaper on Kiosko, Wheeling's . . .
Posted in: donald trumpjames comeypro-trump coverage
A visual representation of the responsiveness of West Virginia's representatives
The House is on break this week -- here's a map of the town halls scheduled for West Virginia
The future of coal in West Virginia
A couple of times a week I check a Google search page for "coal" that sometimes leads to items for "coal news" on this blog. The search is wide and sometimes gets false hits (coal in Christmas stockings) but I've found that its often a good barometer of what is being said about coal on the Web. While the new Trump . . .
What's Congressman McKinley been doing?
Other than publicly defending Trumpcare
Proposing legislation that won't go anywhere
According to McKinley's website:
Representatives David B. McKinley, P.E., (WV-1), and Mike Doyle (PA-14) introduced legislation that promotes clean energy by advancing carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology and increasing accountability at the . . .
Posted in: david mckinleytown hall meetingstrumpcare
Senator Joe in the news
Manchin and Trumpcare
Senator Manchin was interviewed last night by Politico and had some things to say about the health care package passed yesterday by the House:
Saying Obamacare had helped treat people addicted to opioids and extended insurance coverage to 20 million people, Manchin said he has warned Trump that the . . .
Posted in: hillary clintonjoe manchintrumpcare
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 21
Two separate editorials -- I think they really miss her
If you read this blog last year, you recognize the title on this post. For new readers, last year our local "newspapers" attacked the Democratic candidate for president on an almost daily basis and I created this blog category to keep track of some of their more atrocious attacks. Why are they returning to Hillary? While I'm not . . .
Posted in: anti-clinton biashillary clintonwheeling intelligencer editorialwheeling news-register editorialworst editorial of the year award