They sink lower and lower: a Fox News anchor demonstrates that he has more journalistic integrity than the Wheeling Intelligencer
(with evening update)
Intelligencer tells Congress to “probe Clinton”
Once again the Intelligencer demonstrates that its allegiance to Trump supersedes any ethical coverage of a story. This morning’s editorial, “Probe Clinton Link to Uranium Deal,” is just a rehash of their last editorial on the subject on October 27. Of course there is nothing new and . . .
Hen house update
Trump administration continues to add foxes
A summary
The Daily Beast last month examined the extent to which former industry officials have become regulators of their former industries:
Nearly a year since he won election, the president has turned federal agencies over to the private industries that they regulate. And he has done so to a degree that ethics . . .
Maybe we should wait to open the champagne: more on the China/West Virginia “deal”
Sunday News-Register still celebrating
Two front page articles in this morning’s paper continue the reveling following Thursday’s announced $84 billion deal (to be more precise, it was a “statement of intent”) with China. The larger article, with an accompanying picture of a gas worker, takes up almost half of the front page:
. . .The locals cover the China/natural gas story
Are we celebrating too soon?
A very large headline in this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer proclaims:
China Making Moves In the Mountain State
The sub-headline tells us:
Deal hailed as major step forward for W.Va.
And the first paragraph gives us the details:
. . .
Posted in: china and west virginiagordon geewest virginia universitywheeling news-register editorial
Documenting the results of Murray Energy's investment in Trump
Headline at Politico: “Trump coal backer wins big under Perry's power plan”
The top story at Politico at 10 AM gives us the details:
A proposal by Energy Secretary Rick Perry to alter the nation's electricity markets would provide a windfall for a small group of companies — most strikingly one owned by coal magnate Bob Murray, a prominent backer of President Donald Trump.
Perry's plan would . . .
Posted in: murray energy
What’s “news” for the Saturday Intelligencer?
Yesterday’s “exhaustive” study by thirteen federal agencies that concluded that humans are the dominant cause of global warming? Or WVU President Gee’s rehashing last Monday of a two-month old study?
Today, on the front page of many U.S. newspapers is a headline similar to this one:
US Report Contradicts Trump Team: Warming Mostly Man-Made
That’s the New York Times headline for an AP article on climate change that begins:
A massive U.S. report concludes the evidence of global warming is stronger . . .
Posted in: climate changegordon geewheeling newspapers
Does Trump deserve credit for the improvement in West Virginia’s economy?
The Washington Post's fact checker looks at the evidence
Here’s President Trump three weeks ago with Sean Hannity:
“One thing that I am very proud of, the state of West Virginia. Last month, it was one of the highest percentage increases in GDP, the state of Texas beat it. And people are saying, wait a minute, West Virginia just came in second. Do you know what that is about? That is . . .
Posted in: trump administrationwest virginia economy