The Wheeling Alternative
Latest CHIP update
The Republican tax package passes but the children will need to wait until next year
A few hours ago Axios reported:
The Senate is unlikely to address outstanding health care issues in the government spending bill that must pass by Friday, according to three senior GOP aides and a Democratic leadership aide. That means that a long-term CHIP funding bill, delays of the Affordable Care Act taxes and individual . . .
Posted in: chipwheeling news-register editorial
Henhouse update
One fox out, another nominated
Dourson out
Last week, one of the worst of a bad lot of industry-friendly Trump appointments withdrew his name from consideration as head of the EPA’s chemical safety office. Michael Dourson (I first wrote about him here) was apparently so bad that even Republicans were not going to support him. As the Washington Post . . .
Posted in: fox guarding hen housetrump administration
The straw men are back
The locals defend the Republican tax plan
A majority of Americans disapprove of the Republican tax plan. Polling on the various plans has been relatively consistent and today's Monmouth Poll is yet another example:
Americans disapprove of the tax reform plan currently making its way through Congress by a nearly 2-to-1 margin. Half the public believe their own taxes . . .
Posted in: budget cuts to social programsrepublican tax reformwheeling intelligencer editorialwheeling news-register editorial
Today's AP article on the Republican tax plan must have been insufficiently pro-Trump
And so the Wheeling News-Register rewrote it
Here are the first two paragraphs of the Associated Press' story on the Republican tax package with the wording that was changed or dropped by the News-Register in bold:
Closing in on
the firstmajor legislative achievement of his term, President Donald Trump on Saturday defended the Republican tax cut as a good deal for the . . .
Sympathy for the devil?
Mike Myer reflects on the Alabama special election
Mike Myer begins his Saturday column on Roy Moore in today's Wheeling Intelligencer by comparing the results of the recent senatorial election in Alabama with last year’s presidential election. He concludes:
Clearly, about half the staunch GOP supporters in Alabama were unable to hold their noses and vote for Moore. The . . .
Posted in: michael myerroy moore
Media Matters picks up the "deceptive, cut-and-paste" Gil White/NFIB story
And Mike Myer responds
Yesterday Media Matters published a blog post by Eric Hananoki about a number of very similar op-ed pieces that showed up in various papers across the country:
Procter & Gamble placed nearly identical op-eds pushing for corporate tax cuts from different authors in numerous papers
The Procter & Gamble story . . .
Posted in: gil whitemedia mattersmike myer
Is this the end of locally-produced, small-market television news?
The FCC eliminates the Main Studio Rule
What happened
TV Technology explains:
The new FCC rule eliminating a nearly 80-year old requirement that each AM, FM and TV station maintain a main studio in its community of license will take effect Jan. 8, 2018.
The effective date—30 days after publication of the rule in the Federal Register, which occurred Dec. . . .