Cherry-picked statistics and straw-man arguments
Yes, it’s another Ogden editorial on gun control
First, we get the “straw man argument:”
London, England, is reminding Americans that gun control does not translate automatically to reducing violence.
(Is anyone, liberal or otherwise, arguing that it “automatically” translates?)
From there, Monday’s Wheeling News-Register editorial* ignores the . . .
Posted in: gun controlwheeling news-register editorial
Additional reaction to Sinclair Broadcasting's "commitment to reporting facts"
Trump, Oliver, Sinclair and Scarborough
The Deadspin videos (see one post down) have gone viral and helped to increase awareness of what Sinclair Broadcasting is trying to do to local TV news. Here are some of the reactions:
From President Trump:
So funny to watch Fake News Networks, among the most dishonest groups of people I have ever dealt with, criticize Sinclair . . .
Posted in: donald trumpjohn oliversinclair broadcasting
Sinclair Broadcasting’s news readers: “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy”
I hope they see the irony
Timothy Burke at Deadspin has put together an excellent compilation of the talking heads (the Sinclair puppets -- not the 80’s band) looking like Sinclair’s “hostages in proof-of-life videos.” (If you watch closely, you'll see two of local channel 9's anchors.)
Posted in: sinclair broadcastingtrump tvwtov
Today’s Intelligencer headline: “McKinley Seeks Solutions To W.Va.’s Opioid Crisis”
Good for him but how is this front-page news?
For starters, the article's headline misrepresents most of the article – what Representative McKinley actually wants to know is why West Virginia leads the nation in opioid deaths per thousand:
West Virginia leads the nation in the number of drug overdose cases per capita, and U.S. Rep. David B. McKinley thinks the leaders . . .
WTOV takes another step toward becoming “Trump TV”
Following through on the Trump/Sinclair Broadcasting war with mainstream media (with 3/28 update)
Earlier this month CNN broke the story that Sinclair Broadcasting would require their local news anchors to attack the “fake stories” found in other news outlets. (I wrote about it here.)
The CNN report, based upon an internal Sinclair document, clearly explained what the anchors were to do:
"Please . . .
Posted in: sinclair broadcastingtrump tvwtov
Coal baron (present and past) updates
More on the Oliver/Murray suit and the Blankenship campaign
Robert Murray's "self-pitying" letter to the judge
A month ago, a West Virginia judge dismissed Robert Murray's suit against John Oliver. (I wrote about it here). Apparently Murray did not like the decision. According to Raw Story:
Coal baron mocked by John Oliver sends rambling, self-pitying letter to . . .
Posted in: don blankenshipjohn oliverrobert murray
What is “news” to the Wheeling News-Register?
It’s certainly not young people calling for change
If the Wheeling News-Register is part of your Sunday reading:
Answer: C, D and E.
Before beginning, a quick glance at today’s papers from around the country might be helpful. This morning, highlighted the front page of the following five newspapers:
As you can see, this cross-section . . .