Reading the morning Intelligencer
Fair and balanced
Today's 300-word lead editorial speaks to the obvious:
House Needs New Speaker Quickly
The Intelligencer editorial uses WV Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito’s description of the mess, “chaotic,” as it’s starting point and ends imploring Congress to find a speaker quickly so that . . .
Hey, it’s Ogden favorite time
Riley Moore visits Wheeling and gets the royal (Moore) treatment (with 10/7 update)
WV Treasurer and Ogden favorite Riley Moore visits Wheeling!
It’s been a couple of months since the Wheeling Intelligencer last featured one of its favorite politicians, WV's state treasurer, Riley Moore. Not to worry, today’s paper made up for the omissions with two articles as Moore visited Wheeling yesterday. The . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteriley moore
Moore Capito joins the WV Trump Party
Will the last remaining Republican (Shelley?) please turn out the lights
Yesterday, from Delegate Moore Capito (Shelley Moore Capito’s son, Arch Moore’s grandson, and Riley Moore’s cousin), who is running for governor:
As a 6th generation West Virginian and father of two young children, the future of our state is personal to me. I've long said that I would choose to support the Republican nominee for President . . .
Posted in: alex mooneycapitodonald trumpogden biasogden favoritepatrick morriseyriley mooreshelley moore capito
Missing in action: a quick look at the Republican response to Donald Trump’s attack on General Mark Milley
Donald Trump last week:
Trump’s reaction to the @JeffreyGoldberg profile of Mark Millley - which shows new depths of Trump’s depravity and derangement - is to imply that Milley should get the death penalty.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 23, . . .
Trump knows exactly what he’s doing here.
Looking for news in the weekend Wheeling News-Register
Some thought on Ogden’s downsizing
Back in May of 2020, the local Ogden newspapers joined what was already a growing trend among daily newspapers across America, the elimination of at least one day of publishing each week. In Wheeling, that meant that the Saturday edition of the Intelligencer and the Sunday edition of the News-Register would be replaced by the Sunday . . .
Keeping tabs on WV’s Trump Party impeachment efforts and its local media supporters
For starters:
"BREAKING: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden"
— WVGOP (@WVGOP) September 19, 2023
Is it legitimate?
As Republicans plunge forward with an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, witnesses they have summoned for closed-door interviews . . .
Posted in: alex mooneybiden impeachmenthunter bidenjim justicekevin mccarthyshelley moore capitowtovwtrfwv trump partywvgop
The good news and the bad news about retiring in West Virginia
It's cheap but don't get sick
Bankrate recently published its annual survey of the "The best and worst states to retire in 2023, ranked." West Virginia finished third overall, including a #1 in "affordability." The bad news was that it finished 50th in "quality, cost of health care." Here is the top ten:
Bankrate's . . .
Posted in: west virginia health care