“Never Ever Back Down” *
Forget fairness, ethical journalism, and what the president has previously said -- Wheeling “newspapers” go all-in for Trump on immigration
The morning Wheeling Intelligencer carried the first half of this AP story:
Trump Vows He Will ‘Never Ever Back Down’ on Wall
As they often do with Trump articles from the Associated Press, the Intelligencer dropped half of the article. Here is the first paragraph that was dropped by the Intelligencer:
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Posted in: ethical journalismimmigrationmisleading headlinespro-trump biaswheeling news-register editorial
Ogden "fair and balanced" headline #473
Here is the headline that today's Wheeling News-Register put on this same AP article:
Trump Fields Insulting Questions Alleging Close Ties With Russia
Nostradamus TV?
A prophetic 50s TV episode about a con man named Trump
I just saw this at Talking Points Memo:
1958 TV Show Had Conman ‘Trump’ Selling Mystical ‘Wall’ To Hysterical Townspeople
Fact-checker Snopes has apparently verified that it is from an actual 50's TV series called "Trackdown."
What the fresh hell. This is REAL. Filmed in 1958- about a conman who . . .
Posted in: trump presidency
Hey, Intelligencer -- you left out the third paragraph of this morning's AP report on the Trump/Democrat meeting to end the government shutdown
The front page of this morning's Wheeling Intelligencer carried part of an Associated Press report on yesterday's meeting between President Trump and Democratic leaders to end the government shutdown. Unfortunately for local readers, the Intelligencer skipped the AP's third paragraph. (The missing paragraph is in bold.)
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Where’s Senator Capito on the border wall and government shutdown?
A short time ago, the New York Times posted an article about the government shutdown:
Pressure Builds on Senate to End Shutdown as Trump Prepares a Visit
Here’s the lede:
President Trump, hours after making a direct televised appeal to the nation, is facing growing uneasiness within his party that . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrump border wall
Wheeling Intelligencer fact-checks Trump’s immigration speech
Just kidding! (Fact-checking was probably dropped in order to make room for two large pictures of the Interstate 70 construction zone)
If you are wondering about the factualness of the president’s speech, here are some sources:
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Senator Manchin is everywhere
Fox News, CNN, MSNBC
Telling Fox News that Trump has a right to declare a state of emergency and build his wall
From Real Clear Politics and Fox News:
On Fox News, Senator Joe Manchin stressed the importance of ending the government shutdown. Manchin said he would support President Trump's state of emergency and proposed wall funding in . . .
Posted in: joe manchin