Kochs bring their fake-grassroots organization to Steubenville
Not surprising given their Sinclair ownership, WTOV covers the astroturfing without once mentioning the Koch brothers, Americans for Prosperity, or the organization’s right-wing agenda
From Saturday’s WTOV’s news coverage:
. . ."What the Grassroots Leadership Academy does is teach people how to drive real change in their local community," said trainer Ron Ferguson. "It teaches them how to get involved with things like business, education, community and government."
Mike Myer weighs-in on the Covington/Native-American controversy
What about the chaperones?
In his Sunday column local Ogden editor Mike Myer tells us to
Blame The Adults, Not The Teens
He begins:
Where were the adults? That’s the question we ought to be asking about what happened to a group of Kentucky high school kids last weekend in Washington.
Why . . .
Bluefield State College gets an ethically-challenged president (with update)
Okay, Robin Capehart is not a serial killer and he didn’t sneak into the country illegally, but shouldn’t the standards for becoming a college president be a bit higher than “we’re pretty sure he can pass whatever background check”?
From this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer:
Robin Capehart, 65, a Moundsville native and former president of West Liberty University, was named interim president at Bluefield on Thursday. Capehart said his one-year contract with the college was approved unanimously by the institution’s board of governors.
Capehart . . .
Posted in: bluefield state collegerobin capehart
West Virginia and China
As I look for topics to write about, I occasionally do a search to see what Chinese and West Virginia officials are saying about the November 2017 proposed energy deal between the two countries. Most of the time, I come up empty but today I found two differing opinions on the megadeal’s future. Phil Kabler, in today’s Charleston . . .
Posted in: china and west virginia
Why do incumbents served by small-market media seldom lose elections?
Here's why: “WEB EXCLUSIVE: Rep. McKinley sits down with 7News”
The "WEB EXCLUSIVE" is on Wheeling's WTRF-TV website. (For some unknown reason, I have difficulty posting their videos. You can, however, watch all eleven minutes of the "exclusive" interview on their website.) A warning: there are no pointed questions just softballs that allow McKinley to deliver 11 minutes . . .
Some thoughts on today's Wheeling News-Register editorial about Senator Manchin and Trump’s proposal to end the government shutdown (with 1/22 update)
A suggestion to the writer: forget what Manchin thinks – you need to reach Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh
Senator Manchin on Trump’s proposal
On Saturday, President Trump suggested a plan that would end the government shutdown and get him $5.7 billion for his wall (or whatever he is now calling it). Democrats opposed it. Today’s News-Register editorial, "Manchin Is Right About Compromise," claims that West Virginia’s Democratic . . .
Same as it ever was
West Virginia politics, that is
Justice appoints Justice lobbyist for vacant state senate seat
West Virginia State Senator Richard Ojeda resigned earlier this week to run for President. Yesterday, Governor Justice appointed his replacement. According to the Logan Banner's Dylan Vidovich via the Charleston Gazette-Mail:
Gov. Jim Justice, shortly . . .
Posted in: jim justicewest virginia legislature