Giving-up any pretense that they are in the news business, the Sunday Wheeling News-Register gives us two pages of shameless self-promotion
80% of the front page and 100% of the available news space on page 3 are devoted to a May 26 event sponsored by Ogden Newspapers
Well, at least they’ve dropped the façade that they are in the news business: while it’s still over two months away, the Ogden Newspaper-sponsored “Tough as Nails Urban Challenge” needs promoting and what better way to do it than devote most of your first two “news” pages to it. A large picture, a large graphic, and a detailed map supplement . . .
Posted in: full disclosureogden self-promotion
Covering the New Zealand terrorist attack
If you review some of the smaller-sized papers found at Newseum you’ll get similar results. Today, the most important story for most U.S. newspapers was the shootings at the mosques in New Zealand.
What about the Wheeling Intelligencer? Readers can find an AP story about worldwide reaction to the shooting halfway down the “ . . .
West Virginia's Senator Shelley Moore Capito explains her vote to sustain the president's decision to declare a national emergency (updated)
For Capito, not only is consistency obviously overrated, so is a willingness to stand up for what you believe
Capito then
Here's a sample of Capito’s statements (from her own press releases) on executive orders and presidential overreach during the Obama administration:
Gun laws in 2016:
Unfortunately, the president has decided to once again circumvent Congress and govern by executive overreach.
Did something important happen to Trump’s former 2016 campaign chair yesterday?
Trump-supporting Ogden "newspapers" once again demonstrate that what is not covered is just as important as what is covered
Today, two stories were on the front page of every national newspapers (for examples, see or newseum): Former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort’s sentencing and the new charges against him and the FAA’s decision to ground the Boeing 737.
Today, Paul Manafort received no coverage in either Wheeling paper and you can find . . .
Local Ogden newspapers make the case for why math teachers should be paid more
The results from the Wheeling Intelligencer's online poll as it appeared in the February 20 Wheeling Intelligencer:
Posted in: ogden online poll
Today's Wheeling Intelligencer editorial makes up stuff to prove that radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party
They claim this even though Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown refuted the Intelligencer's and others' “concern troll” points yesterday
The editorial
This morning’s editorial, “Ultra-Leftists Gain Control of Party,” starts by expressing sympathy for Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. Brown had been considering running for president but decided last Thursday against it. According to the editorial, Brown chose not to run because extremists have taken over . . .
Another day, another Ryan Weld article
This time, it’s an op-ed by Ogden’s favorite state senator
We are barely two months into the new year, but Wheeling “newspapers” have featured Senator Ryan Weld (R – Brooke) in 18 articles, editorials, and op-eds and his picture is featured prominently in a third of them. Four of these are editorials which singled him out for special praise.
In today’s op-ed, Weld bemoans the failure to get . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteryan weldteacher unions