The Wheeling Alternative
Civilized tones: Shelley Moore Capito and Donald Trump
Capito is running for reelection
Early in the week, West Virginia’s junior senator announced her decision to run for reelection. Yesterday’s Wheeling Intelligencer editorial expressed approval:
In many cases, Capito’s dedication, perceptiveness and attention to detail have won her bipartisan support for her initiatives. . . .
The times may be changing: let’s move Representative David McKinley and Wheeling’s “newspapers” out of the “climate change denier” column
But let's not move them too far
You don’t need a climatologist to know which way the wind blows
Nationally, there would appear to be a growing consensus that something must be done about climate change. For example, Axios recently summarized why we may have reached a “tipping point on climate change”:
A rare convergence of science that reveals the . . .
The good news: Finally, a West Virginia newspaper covers Representative McKinley’s vote against the Violence Against Women Act
The bad news: The newspaper is 240 miles away and no where near the 1st congressional district
McKinley sort-of explains his vote against VAWA
On Saturday, a West Virginia newspaper covered how West Virginia’s representatives voted on the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act. (All three voted against the Act.) Unfortunately for local readers, the coverage was in the Beckley Register-Herald. Reporter Erin Beck examined . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyogden favoritevawawtrf
Yesterday, 33 Republicans joined Democrats to renew the Violence Against Women Act
Guess who was not among them
NBC News explains the vote:
The House on Thursday passed an extension of the Violence Against Women Act, which provides protections for survivors of domestic violence, and includes new gun-related provisions that are opposed by the NRA. . . .
The bill today, which would extend the law for five years, includes new provisions . . .
Posted in: david mckinleygun control
Obamacare’s positive effects on WV’s opioid crisis
(This is probably the last time you’ll read about this)
A number of sites that cover health care are featuring a just-released study of Obamacare’s effects on the West Virginia’s opioid crisis. For example, Vox reported earlier today:
Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is helping fight West Virginia’s opioid epidemic
It begins:
A growing body of research . . .
President Trump yesterday: wind turbine noise causes cancer
(Filed under “Trump stuff you can’t make up”)
From Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine:
In a speech tonight to House Republicans, Trump claimed that wind turbines cause cancer.
“They say the noise causes cancer,” the president of the United States asserted.
“Someone’s gonna leak this whole damn speech to the media,” Trump . . .
Posted in: pollstrump stuff you can't make up
Did nothing happen yesterday in the world, country, region or state?
The Wheeling Intelligencer devotes most of today’s front page to West Virginia University
(Note -- my first posting of this apparently did not go through the email system. This is a reposting.)
The headline at the top of the front-page reads:
WVU Touts Standing As Research Institution
The sub-heading tells us the specifics:
University receives R1 ranking
Is this . . .
Posted in: west virginia university