The Wheeling Alternative
In two columns, local editor Mike Myer discusses the prison trainees’ Nazi salute
He doesn’t blame the trainees, he blames education. I disagree.
Last week, local editor Mike Myer argued that the “Fault Is Ours, Not Trainees.’” In that column, Myer contrasted today’s students with those who grew up after World War II:
West Virginians then understood what the Nazi salute stood for — murderous, organized, institutional evil.
Do younger people, not just here but in other . . .
The Saturday Intelligencer: more PR releases as news
The paper needs a more up-to-date explanation of what they are
Two more today
Two days ago, I documented how half of the stories on its front page were word-for-word public relations releases. Today, we get more of the same.
West Virginia University puts out daily PR releases – you can read them here. If you scroll down far enough, you’ll find today’s word-for-word Intelligencer article . . .
Posted in: news on the cheapyesterday's news tomorrow
Updates and other news from around the Web
Jury foreman works with the accused to formulate strategy
From The Hill:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is pledging that he'll be in "total coordination" with the White House as he plots the GOP strategy for an impeachment trial.
McConnell, during an interview with Fox News, repeatedly . . .
Taking the “new” out of “newspaper”
Two old (October) stories featured on today’s front pages
1. An October 22 PR release from WVU gets front-page coverage
Here’s a screenshot of the original:
Here’s that same press release (word-for-word) on the front page of today’s Wheeling newspapers:
WVU Extension Service Program Helps Youth Struggling With Weight, Pre-Diabetes
2. E-Tablets . . .
Posted in: yesterday's news tomorrow
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore
Don’t worry, Dorothy – you’re in West Virginia where the landscape is different, but the politics are the same
Trump’s popularity continues: West Virginians and impeachment
MetroNews just released its latest poll by Research America Inc. and probably to no one’s surprise, West Virginians do not support the impeachment of President Trump.
59 percent of West Virginia voters believe Congress should not impeach Trump and that he . . .
Posted in: snap benefitstrump west virginia
A star is born!
Another weekend, another Riley Moore article
Yes, it's another weekend and time for yet another Ogden article about their new favorite, Riley Moore, candidate for West Virginia state treasurer.
What's the reason for the article?
He visited Wheeling sometime this past week.
How does it begin?
As with the previous two articles, we . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteriley moore
Headline in today's Wheeling Intelligencer: "Photo of Correctional Officers Causes Controversy, Outrage"
The article does not include the photo, however.
"You can't handle the truth"
Periodically, the editor of Wheeling's "newspapers," Mike Myer, devotes a column to examples of political correctness from America's campuses. Myer then scolds these students for their political correctness. (They are, to use right wing slang, . . .