Doing its job: the Intelligencer keeps alive the long-discredited Trump assertion of election fraud
On today’s Wheeling Intelligencer editorial page, syndicated columnist Jeff Crouere wants us to:
Wake Up, America – Purge is Here
Crouere’s column rounds up the usual liberal suspects from Town Hall’s list of enemies: Hillary Clinton, the Deep State, Peter Strzok, and Anderson Cooper, among others. The column . . .
“So what difference does a little election fraud here and there make?”
Our local editor asks us a loaded question to further the Republican cause
”Are you still beating your wife?”
How do you answer this question? Built into the question is a hidden premise: that at some time or another, you have beaten your wife. Consequently, if you answer “yes,” you’re admitting that you are currently beating your wife and if you say “no,” you are admitting that you used to beat her but now . . .
Without a shred of evidence, Friday’s Wheeling Intelligencer and the News-Register both claim that the Democrats hijacked the November presidential election
The local Ogden papers continue their descent from “newspaper” to propaganda outlet for Donald Trump and the WV GOP
President Trump’s preoccupation isn’t the coronavirus, it’s the election. Obsessed with his loss, President Trump continues to claim that last month’s presidential election was rigged. His Twitter feed, for instance, ignores the pandemic to concentrate on the “rigged” election. Here, his source for evidence to prove his assertions . . .
Posted in: gretchen whitmerintelligencer propagandalaura hollisogden newspaper biastrump partywest virginia gopwheeling newspapers
“Better late than never” from the mainstream media: most national media accurately covered “the most important speech” of Trump’s presidency
“Better never than late”: The Wheeling Intelligencer simply ignored it
If you follow national news, you’ve probably noticed that lately there have been some not-so-subtle changes in the coverage of President Trump's statements and speeches. For most of his presidency, the mainstream media have allowed Trump to make-up evidence, lie, and distort without much fact checking. The few corrections were usually . . .
Ogden “newspapers” to its Wheeling readers: forget about that landfill outside Steubenville, we now have a new president to trash
The editor of the Wheeling News-Register gives us an editorial preview of the paper's next four years
My hunch is that, for our local Wheeling papers, Joe Biden’s election victory over Donald Trump was one of those “bad news, good news” situations. The bad news for Ogden is obvious: come January, Donald Trump will no longer be president. The good news is that, at long last, Ogden’s Wheeling’s editorial page will have something to criticize . . .
The Wheeling Intelligencer continues to carry fake news about the presidential election
The editorial cartoon in this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer:
Gary Varvel cartoon, November 12, 2020
— Toronto Sun (@TheTorontoSun) November 12, 2020
Is there any evidence that dead people voted?
I could find no evidence of even one such occurrence. On Tuesday, the . . .
Hey, was there a presidential election this week?
You wouldn't know it by the Wheeling News-Register -- most of Saturday's weekend edition is devoted to celebrating West Virginia’s Republican specialness
Readers who have taken my “quizzes” before as well as those familiar with our local Ogden papers probably got both of these right: Biden does not appear anywhere in the 6-page front section, while Trump appears 14 times.
Today’s paper is not about news; it’s about propagandizing for the Republican Party. There is little . . .