Pure PR: “Hospital Touts Health Ranking”
In need of some good publicity, Wheeling Hospital’ cites a health study that doesn’t prove what the hospital’s spokesperson says it does; local Ogden "newspapers" oblige by putting in on the front page
The spin
It’s not been a good week for Wheeling Hospital. After lots of bad publicity from the decision by the federal government to further pursue physician kickbacks at the hospital, some good PR was certainly needed. Luckily, Ogden Newspapers readily obliged by sending a stenographer, Linda Comins, to report the hospital’s spin on . . .
McKinley and Malkin in the Sunday News-Register
Some election fluff and more racism
No more joking about McKinley's 2020 reelection campaign -- it's on and Ogden papers are ready to do their part
My subheading on yesterday's post about local congressman David McKinley joked that the Intelligencer was launching the McKinley reelection campaign with editor Mike Myer's Saturday column. Despite the fact . . .
Another day, another Ryan Weld article
This time, it’s an op-ed by Ogden’s favorite state senator
We are barely two months into the new year, but Wheeling “newspapers” have featured Senator Ryan Weld (R – Brooke) in 18 articles, editorials, and op-eds and his picture is featured prominently in a third of them. Four of these are editorials which singled him out for special praise.
In today’s op-ed, Weld bemoans the failure to get . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteryan weldteacher unions
Today’s Wheeling News-Register features 1500 words on a Republican House of Delegates incumbent from WV’s Eastern Panhandle who lost by 12%. For those of us who live in WV’s Northern Panhandle, how is this news?
Answer: it’s Shelley Moore Capito’s nephew!
Ogden political reporter, Steven Allen Adams, and the News-Register have outdone themselves with one of the longest front-page stories this year and it’s about a non-local candidate who lost by over 800 votes earlier this month. (The article looks to be a shoo-in for the “Worst News Article of the Year Award” -- especially with two-time . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteriley mooresteven allen adamswheeling newspapersworst article of the year award
What AP story about West Virginia was carried in Nashville (TN), Beaufort County (SC), Olympia (WA), and Columbus (IN) newspapers but not in local Ogden papers?
Hint: It's about a West Virginia elected official
As of 4 PM today there were 370 news sources that carried the following Associated Press news article:
State settles lawsuits alleging illegal firing over politics
The article:
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — The state of West Virginia has settled wrongful-termination lawsuits with six more former employees . . .
Posted in: mac warnerogden favoriteogden newspaper bias
Today's Wheeling "newspapers" feature two front page pictures of Shelley Moore Capito and an editorial praising Mac Warner (with 11/10 update)
Hey, it's never too early to start promoting Republicans for the 2020 election
Get out the camera, Capito makes an appearance at Oglebay Park and recalls the bunny slope
WV Senator Shelley Moore Capito, who local readers have not read much about since August*,
made a surprise visit to the first night of Oglebay Park's Festival of the Lights. Today, both papers featured the opening ceremonies but . . .
Four lawsuits against WV’s Secretary of State settled (updated 9/19)
While other media examined the suits, Ogden devoted 665 words to WV Secretary of State Mac Warner’s outrage. (It’s the least they could do for a favorite.)
A short quiz
Here’s how several WV news sources headlined a story about the results of a lawsuit against the secretary of state. See if you can spot the headline that appeared on the front page of today’s Wheeling News-Register:
- A. Ex-Secretary of State Employees Settle Lawsuits Over Firings
- B. 4 Warner lawsuits . . .