Mike Myer’s Saturday column is supposed to be about “clean coal” – it’s really about getting Trump re-elected
When in doubt, blame Obama
In his Saturday opinion column about “clean coal,” local Ogden editor Mike Myer begins by rewriting the history of the Obama administration’s “clean coal” initiatives:
What angered many Americans about former President Barack Obama’s war on coal was that it was intended as a campaign of . . .
Editor Mike Myer asks: “If Bransfield did all these things for so long, how did he get away with it?”
Yes, it’s a clueless question from the editor of a newspaper that brags daily on its masthead that it has “stood guard for 166 years against predatory interests which would violate civil rights.”
Here’s my answer to Myer’s question: because those who had the power and the microphone (the Catholic Church, local media, and law enforcement) chose not to investigate.
Myer rightly questions the diocese but that is as far as he goes. I’m sure he, like anyone in the area who does not live under a rock, has heard rumors about some . . .
More hypocrisy -- Ogden Newspapers and Mike Myer on West Virginia’s drug crisis
They had no problem blaming Obama when he was president; today’s column doesn’t even mention Trump
A 2015 Wheeling News-Register editorial
It was the fall of 2015 and then President Obama was set to visit West Virginia, one of the states that was being overwhelmed by the opioid epidemic. On the Sunday before his visit, the Wheeling News-Register editorialized:
It may be that some of the drug addicts President Barack . . .
Reading the Sunday News-Register: same old, same old
Little news and another Myer cure for racism
Page 1 of today’s Wheeling News-Register features mostly old news and yet another promo for the Ogden Wellness Weekend. Three-fourths of the front page is taken up by two stories on the roads in Marshall County. About one-third of the first story is what the WV Division of Highways had to say about the roads on Wednesday: essentially, they . . .
Posted in: mike myerracismsunday wheeling news-register
"Bipartisan" and "McKinley" in the same sentence?
Mike Myer and the Intelligencer kick off the congressman’s reelection campaign
Today’s Mike Myer column is mostly about praising WV’s 1st Congressional District congressman, David McKinley, for his supposed bipartisanship. Support for Myer’s position comes in the form of the recently-released Lugar Center Bipartisan Center Index for the 115th Congress which ranked McKinley 11th in the House.
The Index purports . . .
Posted in: bipartisanshipdavid mckinleymike myer
So much for compromise
Mike Myer blames unions (surprise, surprise) for the rejection of the Republican omnibus education bill
Editor Mike Myer begins today’s column, “No Incentive to Compromise,” by looking first at national politics. He writes:
Clearly, compromise is dead in Washington, D.C.
I assume Myer is referring to the recent government shutdown which was originally precipitated by the president’s rejection of a compromise between . . .
Posted in: mike myerteacher unionsvoucherswv teachers
A follow-up on reactions to Trump’s executive order
What did West Virginia's congressional delegation and the Wheeling Intelligencer have to say about Trump's order?
What do West Virginia’s representatives think?
The Charleston Gazette-Mail took what I consider the logical next step following President Trump’s executive order to build his wall – they checked with West Virginia’s congressional representation to complement their national coverage. Here is what reporter Jake Zuckerman found.
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