Doing its job: the Intelligencer keeps alive the long-discredited Trump assertion of election fraud
On today’s Wheeling Intelligencer editorial page, syndicated columnist Jeff Crouere wants us to:
Wake Up, America – Purge is Here
Crouere’s column rounds up the usual liberal suspects from Town Hall’s list of enemies: Hillary Clinton, the Deep State, Peter Strzok, and Anderson Cooper, among others. The column . . .
“So what difference does a little election fraud here and there make?”
Our local editor asks us a loaded question to further the Republican cause
”Are you still beating your wife?”
How do you answer this question? Built into the question is a hidden premise: that at some time or another, you have beaten your wife. Consequently, if you answer “yes,” you’re admitting that you are currently beating your wife and if you say “no,” you are admitting that you used to beat her but now . . .
Without a shred of evidence, Friday’s Wheeling Intelligencer and the News-Register both claim that the Democrats hijacked the November presidential election
The local Ogden papers continue their descent from “newspaper” to propaganda outlet for Donald Trump and the WV GOP
President Trump’s preoccupation isn’t the coronavirus, it’s the election. Obsessed with his loss, President Trump continues to claim that last month’s presidential election was rigged. His Twitter feed, for instance, ignores the pandemic to concentrate on the “rigged” election. Here, his source for evidence to prove his assertions . . .
Posted in: gretchen whitmerintelligencer propagandalaura hollisogden newspaper biastrump partywest virginia gopwheeling newspapers
Their silence speaks loudly
What have our local congressman and local Ogden papers had to say about the Trump/veterans story?
I assume (unless Ogden papers are the only source of news) that most of my local readers are aware of the national news stories that has probably garnered the most attention since it broke on Thursday – The Atlantic’s investigation of President Trump’s attitudes towards veterans:
President Trump, who never served in the military, canceled . . .
West Virginia Republicans get their revenge on public school teachers
Senator Patricia Rucker (R-Jefferson) named the new chair of the Senate Education Committee
Ogden’s West Virginia political reporter, Steven Allen Adams, detailed the Republican plans for the upcoming legislative session on the front page of today’s Wheeling newspapers. Most of the article is an interview with Senate President Mitch Carmichael who explains Republican legislative plans as well as leadership changes.
Given . . .
The Wheeling Intelligencer in August: “Special interests and powerful politicians seeking to influence us are wasting their time”
Yeah, right. Then why is it astroturfing us with a Koch-backed energy industry lobbyist pushing fossil fuel propaganda?
The quotation in today’s title is from an August Intelligencer editorial celebrating their anniversary. Unfortunately for its readership, their willingness to bow to special interests (especially in the fossil fuel industries) is once again borne out on its front page.
The morning paper’s headline read:
Report: Shale . . .
Posted in: astroturfintelligencer propagandanatural gas
Why are papers located in WV’s 1st congressional district running a totally partisan political attack upon the Democratic candidate in WV’s 3rd district?
Melody Potter, Chairwoman of the WV Republican Party, wrote an op-ed that appeared today in both Wheeling “newspapers.” The Intelligencer headlined it with
W.Va. Voters Can’t Trust Ojeda
While the News-Register used:
Ojeda a Tool of Liberals, Not A genuine Defender of W.Va.
It begins:
. . .