The Wheeling Alternative
Solar energy in WV?
Could the times be a-changin’?
Missing from this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer is the WV House’s passage of a bill encouraging solar energy in the state. From the Associated Press:
W.Va. House passes bill making it easier to use solar energy
The article explains:
It could soon be easier for power companies to use solar energy . . .
Posted in: solar energy in west virginia
Highlights of the Wheeling News-Register’s Sunday opinion section
More space for Ogden favorite Riley Moore
Riley Moore, Republican candidate for WV Treasurer, gets to attack his opponent in a page 3 op-ed:
$20 Million is West Virginians’, Not Perdue’s
Most of the column is a not-so-thinly-disguised attack upon the current treasurer and it reads like a campaign speech:
. . .Some news and/or dark humor on an increasingly cloudy day
This morning's news from Fox and others
This is how Fox's "straight news" website is covering coronavirus:
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 28, 2020
* It's not the main story
* The primary story on it is about Trump attacking Dems
* Tiny headline that notes Dow is down more than 900 points
. . .
Posted in: coronavirusfox newstrump presidency
More “baseball on the cheap”
Representative McKinley and now Senator Capito are concerned about the future of minor league baseball. What about Bob Nutting and the Wheeling Intelligencer?
From The Hill:
Congress and MLB are barreling toward a showdown over the league’s plans to eliminate 42 minor league franchises across the country ahead of the 2021 season.
The league insists the plan is needed to improve the finances of minor league baseball and conditions for developing players. But MLB is facing . . .
It may be hard to believe, but yesterday Senator Capito criticized a Trump appointee (the acting head of the Department of Homeland Security)
You wouldn’t know that from the senator’s web page, Twitter feed, and most media reports, however
Yesterday, the acting head of the Department of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, appeared before Capito’s Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. After discussing the importance of the department in the upcoming elections, Senator Capito questioned Wolf about the department’s proposed budget cuts to election security:
. . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrump administration
More hypocrisy from Congressman David McKinley
A look at franking and earmarks
Franking hypocrisy
Franking is the “privilege of sending mail without payment of postage” that allows members of congress to send mail about government business without paying for it.
Last month, I described how our local congressman, David McKinley, made term limits a part of “The McKinley Plan for Congressional . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyfranking
What’s Joe Manchin been doing as Democrats consider presidential candidates?
Doing a town hall at the University of Charleston
Yesterday, Manchin spoke at a town hall about a variety of subjects. On his impeachment vote, Manchin explained his reasoning:
On the subject of impeachment, Manchin said he made his decision to vote to convict Trump after listening to Alan Dershowitz, the . . .
Posted in: impeachmentjoe manchinmichael bloomberg