The Wheeling Alternative
An Ogden executive deals with a fake video
John McCabe, of course, publishes it – for Ogden, political priorities always trump ethical or professional considerations
John McCabe, the Editorial Director for Ogden Newspapers and the Managing Editor of Ogden’s Wheeling newspapers, recently retweeted the following post:
At 1:37 "The reason I was able to stay sequestered at home was because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf"
Why does Biden think that it's only black people who stock . . .
The only surprise is how long it took her to announce this (with updates)
Senator Capito confirms that she is hypocrite
Senator Shelley Moore Capito a short time ago:
My statement regarding @realDonaldTrump's intent to fill the United States Supreme Court vacancy following the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
— Shelley Moore Capito (@SenCapito) September 22, 2020
Of course, this is the opposite of what she . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitou.s. supreme court
The predictable answer: “let the people decide” and “it’s a vendetta”
The question: What did Senator Capito and our local Ogden newspapers say in 2016 about replacing a Supreme Court justice in a presidential election year?
Senator Capito
As Senator Shelley Moore Capito awaits her Republican talking points on voting on a new U.S. Supreme Court justice, I thought it might be informative to see what our senator said four years ago.
On March 16, 2016, President Barack Obama introduced Merrick Garland as his nominee for the Supreme Court. . . .
Nothing to see here
Transparency? What's that?
At the top of page 4 of this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer is this headline:
Fort Henry Restoration Awarded $1.2M Federal Loan
The article, a rewrite of a Manchin/Capito joint press release, begins:
U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Joe Manchin D-W.Va., members of the Senate . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyogden favorite
Further confirmation of the obvious
When it comes to interviewing Senator Capito, West Virginia has NO reporters, just stenographers
A week ago, the United States Senate, by a vote of 52 to 47, failed to pass a coronavirus economic relief bill. (60 votes were needed – all Democrats + Rand Paul voted against the measure.) Since that vote, West Virginia’s Republican senator, Shelley Moore Capito, has made the rounds of radio talk shows in the state with the Republican . . .
Tuesday odds and ends
Trump the scientist, masks, supporting the troops
From the Lincoln Project
From earlier today:
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) September 15, 2020
The President as scientist
Wondering what’s causing the wildfires out west? Just ask Don Trump The Science-ish Guy!
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) . . .
Posted in: coronavirustrump presidency
Myer yesterday, Myer today
Our local editor on West Virginia’s spike in coronavirus cases
From today’s column, “Backsliding Into a Wave Of Death in West Virginia,” by local editor Mike Myer:
It appears some have decided the coronavirus scare is a plot to erode their personal liberties. If so, it’s a heckuva well-done one. The last time I looked, COVID-19 had killed more than 191,000 Americans.
The sky . . .