Yet another "fair and balanced" headline from the Intelligencer
The Associated Press reported today that Medicare will be paying doctors to discuss end-of-life care with their patients. Here are the top three headlines for the AP article when I googled it at 11:30 this morning:
Medicare to Cover End-of-Life Counseling - ABC News and Yahoo News
Medicare to Pay for Voluntary End-of-Life . . .
Posted in: fox newsintelligencer headlines
Three Intel favorites coming to Wheeling on July 22
Expect front-page coverage on this one!
The Associated Press reported this morning:
Coal executive Robert Murray, West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin and WV Attorney General Patrick Morrisey will speak at an Ohio County Republican event.
The Ohio County Republican Executive Committee's Lincoln Day Dinner will be July 22 at Wheeling Country Club. . . .
Posted in: brent benjaminpatrick morriseyrobert murray
The Wheeling "newspapers" cover Charleston
Updated July 6
One of the simple pleasures that I enjoy when I'm away from home is reading a variety of newspapers. Having been away from Wheeling for most of the week starting June 21, I saw a number of different perspectives on what was happening. In particular, I was most interested in the news surrounding the terrorist act committed at the . . .
Posted in: michael myerwheeling newspapers
Bishop Bransfield and the Pope's encyclical - another point of view
I previously wrote about Bishop Bransfield and the local "newspapers'" coverage of the papal encyclical on climate change here. I noted that the locals ignored or severely edited a great deal of the Associated Press coverage and the only front page story was by local reporter Heather Ziegler who dutifully gave us Bishop . . .
Koch-funded propaganda posing as a scientific study
The Tuesday editorial on alternative energy
The Intelligencer is once again shilling for the fossil fuel industry - this time in its lead editorial, "Ohio Right on Renewables." The editorial begins:
Renewable portfolio standards were quite trendy for state governments a while back. In fact, 30 states now have in place mandates that require greater use of energy . . .
Posted in: intelligencer editorialkochrenewables
Myer begins coverage of Benjamin's re-election campaign
Benjamin probably won't get $3 million from Blankenship this time
The 2nd half of today's Mike Myer column marks the opening salvo in the Intelligencer's attempt to get State Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin re-elected.
Myer, without going into very many specifics, defends Benjamin from conservative criticism of a decision in which he was a part of a court majority that allowed drug addicts . . .
Reading the 6/21 Sunday News-Register
The transition to Hillary Clinton has begun.
Even though we are still 16 months from the choosing our next president, the News-Register is already in full election mode. You've probably noticed it -- the anti-Clinton material has been increasing weekly. Today, one-half of the editorial page is devoted to attacks on Clinton; two . . .