Bishop Bransfield and the Pope's encyclical - another point of view
I previously wrote about Bishop Bransfield and the local "newspapers'" coverage of the papal encyclical on climate change here. I noted that the locals ignored or severely edited a great deal of the Associated Press coverage and the only front page story was by local reporter Heather Ziegler who dutifully gave us Bishop . . .
Koch-funded propaganda posing as a scientific study
The Tuesday editorial on alternative energy
The Intelligencer is once again shilling for the fossil fuel industry - this time in its lead editorial, "Ohio Right on Renewables." The editorial begins:
Renewable portfolio standards were quite trendy for state governments a while back. In fact, 30 states now have in place mandates that require greater use of energy . . .
Posted in: intelligencer editorialkochrenewables
Myer begins coverage of Benjamin's re-election campaign
Benjamin probably won't get $3 million from Blankenship this time
The 2nd half of today's Mike Myer column marks the opening salvo in the Intelligencer's attempt to get State Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin re-elected.
Myer, without going into very many specifics, defends Benjamin from conservative criticism of a decision in which he was a part of a court majority that allowed drug addicts . . .
Reading the 6/21 Sunday News-Register
The transition to Hillary Clinton has begun.
Even though we are still 16 months from the choosing our next president, the News-Register is already in full election mode. You've probably noticed it -- the anti-Clinton material has been increasing weekly. Today, one-half of the editorial page is devoted to attacks on Clinton; two . . .
Our local "newspapers" cover the papal encyclical
The Associated Press' first article after the release of the document was on Thursday. The original 1100+ word AP article covered what the pope said, some of the reaction, and possible implications. However, the afternoon Wheeling News-Register ran only the first half of the article and not on the front page but on page . . .
Morrisey watch 10
Can he hit for the cycle?
In the previous post I wrote about the coverage afforded Attorney General Patrick Morrisey for simply choosing not to run for governor next year. Yesterday the Intelligencer continued their publicity campaign for this non-candidate by giving him additional coverage (picture included) for touring a local business and then taking part in a . . .
Posted in: patrick morrisey
Morrisey watch 9
Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has decided not to run for governor. A change of mind? As this blog has noted at least 8 times previously, he had been running for something for over a year now. And even up until last week, as the Charleston Gazette notes, he acted like a candidate:
Just a week ago, Morrisey said he was . . .
Posted in: morrisey