Some recent polls and surveys
Reporting poll results - the Intelligencer and Gazette-Mail decide what's important
Orion Strategies of Charleston conducted a poll of West Virginians last month. What you may have learned about the poll, however, probably depends upon whether you live in Wheeling or Charleston. (What each chose to cover may also tell you . . .
Intelligencer accuse the president of diverting attention from real issues
(updated September 1) (updated September 2)
If you didn't see this morning's editorial, "Diverting Attention From Real Issues," you missed a 217 word personal attack on the president. The excuse is that the president has criticized those who disagree with him about the Iranian nuclear treaty. (The nerve of that president!) Here's an example from the editorial:
. . .Posted in: intelligencer editorialiranobama
Lying about the president and alternative energy sources
Just another Intelligencer editorial
Yesterday's editorial is a two-for-one. Not only does the editorial purposely distort for its own purposes President Obama's use of the word "crazy," it lies about the use of alternatives.
Here are the last four paragraphs:
So no one is attempting to keep consumers, through the utilities that serve . . .
An editorial on WV job loss
Taking note of the News-Register's assault on economic theory and ethical journalism
Wednesday afternoon's lead editorial, "Taking Note of Assault on West Virginia" references a blog post written by Anna Louie Sussman for the Wall Street Journal last Friday. Sussman's post examines the causes of West Virginia's employment drop. What the News-Register does in its editorial is distort the blog's . . .
Attacking alternative energy sources
(with August 26 update)
Yesterday's News-Register carried an AP report, "Obama Pushes More Clean Energy." This morning's Intelligencer did not carry the AP report but that did not prevent them from editorializing against Obama based upon what was in the report. (Just a thought -- we know the Intelligencer would never misrepresent what the president . . .
Posted in: intelligencerobamarenewableswar on coal
Another self-promoting, Intelligencer editorial
Seems like it was just yesterday but it's been thirty days since the last Intelligencer editorial told us what a great newspaper it is. Today's excuse is that it was established on August 24, 1852 and so it's an anniversary of sorts. Half the editorial is a review of the front page story that they wrote about themselves last month . . .
Posted in: wheeling intelligencer
Categorizing arguments and West Virginia as cult
The weekend presented us with the usual anti-Obama /EPA columns and editorials and as I've noted in a number of previous posts, they don't change very much from week to week. Rather than repeating myself every weekend, I've decided to compile a list of the recurring argument and then reference them as needed.
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