"Blessed are the cheesemakers" - the problem of interpreting the words of religious leaders
Re-interpreting a message to suit our ends -- we all do it. For the pope's most recent messages about the environment and the poor, you had to figure that our local "newspapers" would have to do it in order to keep a cognitive balance. Here is Newsweek's conclusion about his speech to Congress on Thursday:
In . . .
Problem with the RSS feed
need some help
If you subscribe to my RSS feed, you may not be getting notified whenever I publish a new post. (This has probably been true for a couple of weeks now.) I discovered this problem earlier in the week and I've been working with Silvrback tech support to fix the problem.
You can help. If you've been getting the email and the RSS . . .
Major corporations switch sides in the "war on coal"
(Walmart, Proctor & Gamble, Starbucks and other Fortune 500 companies turn to renewables)
Our local "newspapers" like to place primary blame for the decline of West Virginia coal mining on President Obama and "his" EPA. For any number of reasons, he is a convenient scapegoat -- never mind that market forces and a growing public awareness of the causes of climate change started coal's decline long before his . . .
Posted in: climate changewar on coalwheeling newspapers
Murray safety violations
Suing and blaming the victims
The headline for the front-page story in the morning Intelligencer tells us that:
Murray, Union Engage In Safety Report Dispute
The company is suing the United Mine Workers for "breaching wage agreements and filing false complaints." According to a Murray official:
For nearly two years, the . . .
Posted in: murray coalumwwheeling intelligencer
Where do WV's senators stand on the refugee crisis?
Manchin joins the Republicans
From Reuters:
Plans by President Barack Obama's administration to allow thousands more refugees into the United States faced stiff opposition on Monday in the U.S. Congress, where Republican lawmakers demanded the right to review, and reject, the effort, citing fears of terrorism.
Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday . . .
"Straw Man Defense in Play"
Mike Myer describes his own Sunday column
Michael Myer's Sunday column,"Straw Man Defense in Play," is about the criticism of his newspaper's editorials on school reform. Myer notes that a number of the critics use the straw man fallacy:
Ever hear of the "straw man" strategy of deflecting criticism? It's used commonly in politics. It . . .
Posted in: educationmichael myerwheeling news-register
NOAA says heat records broken again
Of course, no mention by the locals
On Thursday, the AP featured the effects of climate change in an article on the continued warming of the earth: "Earth's record streak of record heat keeps on sizzling":
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Earth's record-breaking heat is sounding an awful lot like a broken record.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric . . .
Posted in: climate changewheeling newspapers