Is the SEC the new IRS?
Will it become a scary government agency for some coal companies?
For as long as I can remember, the IRS has been seen as one of the scariest of government agencies in our popular culture: "You can mess with the rest, but watch out if the IRS is coming after you. Don't forget, that's who got Al Capone!" I don't know how true it was or is but I do think the IRS is still one of the most . . .
Who do you trust?
New media or Wheeling "newspapers"?
I thought I'd make a few comments about Saturday's Mike Myer's column before I filed it away. The column, "Learning Who You Can Trust," is a variation on the paper's frequent "we are a great news source and everyone should trust and believe us" editorial/column. (The last such editorial was August 24 and so . . .
Ignoring western coal
Why mention coal subsidies when its so much easier to blame the president for the decline of Appalachian coal?
This morning's Intelligencer front page tells us that a group of Democratic senators are trying to "charge companies for pollution":
A group of Senate Democrats are pushing to charge companies for potential carbon dioxide pollution they cause while working on federal lands.
Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., ranking . . .
Posted in: coal subsidieswar on coalwestern coal
News from the war on coal miners
MSHA's suit against Murray Energy
This morning's Intelligencer reported on the suit brought by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) against Murray Energy. The first two paragraphs explain the suit:
The Mine Safety and Health Administration cited Murray Energy Corp. for 29 "significant safety . . .
Intelligencer editorial pushes chutzpah level to an all-time high
From this morning's lead editorial on children's health care coverage:
West Virginia has had plenty of bad news when it comes to its rankings among the states in terms of various measures of well-being. In one category, however, the Mountain State outshines nearly everyone else, and it is a category of tremendous . . .
Posted in: michael myerobamacarewheeling newspapers
Ryan Ferns named to Kasich's election team
Intelligencer and News-Register favorite should make a big difference in Kasich's grassroots support
Breaking news from the front page of today's Intelligencer:
Ohio Gov. John Kasich has named West Virginia Sen. Ryan Ferns to lead grassroots efforts to build support for his 2016 presidential bid in the Mountain State.
Great! Ferns has been a long-time supporter and this should put Kasich over-the-top in West . . .
Posted in: john kasichryan ferns
Intelligencer alters today's AP story on the Clean Water bill
Just wondering - does the Intelligencer have a code of ethics?
This morning's Intelligencer features a front-page story from the Associated Press on Clean Water Bill. The original AP article barely mentions Senator Joe Manchin and it apparently wasn't anti-EPA enough for the Intelligencer and so they changed it:
First, the "newspaper" added a Manchin picture and then added a . . .