Robert Murray on the presidential election
Hint -- his choice isn't Hillary
Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray commented to Columbus Business First on some of the candidates for president:
Carly Fiorina: "a great lady."
Ted Cruz: "could be the guy."
Rick Santorum: "a friend for decades."
Murray thinks that Donald Trump will eventually flash out:
. . .Posted in: republican candidatesrobert murray
Another News-Register objective headline?
Don't bother with the story -- just look at the picture and read the headline!
Here are the first two sentences of the AP report:
The State Department said Friday it can't find emails belonging to a former department employee who helped set up and maintain Hillary Clinton's private email server when she was secretary of state.
The department has found emails from Bryan Pagliano's . . .
Posted in: hillary clintonmisleading headlines
"Destroying Affordable Electricity" (with December 13 update)
by the Intelligencer's most-trusted energy source of information
Today we were treated on the forum page to a long opinion piece on "Destroying Affordable Energy" by Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray. Murray uses lots and lots and lots of statistics with next-to-no indication of where they came from. The only evidence cited is a recent study from Energy Ventures Analysis which I previously noted . . .
The Intelligencer attacks Obamacare (again)
The editorial actually makes Fox News look "fair and balanced"
This morning's Intelligencer editorial is another in a long line of unethical editorials which uses information not previously reported by the paper as the basis for an editorial written by a writer who then picks and chooses the information that best supports his/her thesis. (Note, I realize that this is an editorial and not a news . . .
Posted in: fox newsobamacarewheeling intelligencer
West Virginia news from around the Web
Teach for America is coming to West Virginia
I wrote about this when it was first proposed -- although the new number is significantly lower than first proposed. Here is Law Street Media's take on it:
In February 2015, Teach for America was invited to West Virginia schools for the first time. The first Teach for . . .
The Sunday Mike Myer column
Mike Myer trots out another evidence-free, straw man column -- this time on gun control.
Yes, Mike Myer devoted his whole column to liberals and the arguments they didn't make regarding gun control:
And the liberal anti-gun crowd wants even more limits. That will prevent most mass killings such as the recent one in . . .
Posted in: gun controlliberalsobama
Reading the Sunday editorial on mine safety and the Blankenship verdict
Blaming the victims
Ever notice that when coal owners are at fault for safety violations, our local "newspapers" either ignore them, take the company line that it's really the union's fault (see Murray Energy suit against the UMWA), or editorialize that everyone is at fault. In this case, yesterday's editorial, . . .