A game changer?
Some thoughts on today's moratorium on federal land coal-mining leases
The decision
As the Washington Post reported this morning:
The Obama administration on Friday ordered a moratorium on new leases for coal mined from federal lands as part of a sweeping review on the government’s management of vast amounts of taxpayer-owned coal throughout the West.
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell . . .
Coal ash dumping
For towns and states that don't matter
The effects of coal ash dumping in nearby Fayette County, Pennsylvania
From Monday's "Power Source" in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Only about 250 people live in La Belle, a former coal mining patch on an inside bend of the Monongahela River in Luzerne Township, Fayette County. It’s so tiny that it doesn’t . . .
Posted in: coal ashdavid mckinley
The answer: Yes, apparently the Clarksburg Exponent Telegram
The question: Is there a West Virginia newspaper that loves David McKinley more than the Wheeling Intelligencer?
When I saw the headline "McKinley deserving of Statesman of the Year honor" on a Google search I thought of former POTUS William McKinley and asked myself "why would you honor a man who's been dead for over 114 years as your Statesman of the Year?" (Hmmm --- maybe he wasn't actually dead!) When I clicked on the . . .
The Intelligencer "selectively uses" EPA scientists (whose credibility they usually question) to attack the EPA
What the Intelligencer won't do to assail Obama, the EPA and climate change
Here's what happened:
The EPA's report on fracking came out in early June and a number of news sources, including the local ones, carried a headline that fracking was not a threat to our drinking water. Despite the headline, most of these reports, including the original AP report, featured critics who pointed out that . . .
Posted in: climate changefrackingwheeling intelligencer
Morrisey watch 13
Here's the AP report from the morning Intelligencer:
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - West Virginia's attorney general has accused one of the nation's largest drug wholesalers of flooding the state with tens of millions of doses of prescription pills in violation of state law.
Attorney General Patrick Morrisey on Friday . . .
Posted in: drugspatrick morrisey
A semi-optimistic look at our changing attitudes toward climate change
Republicans, Democrats, and West Virginians
American opinion on climate change is shifting
I think that the United States is slowly changing attitudes on climate change. It isn't happening rapidly but I believe there are some subtle changes occurring.
Polls, though still showing partisan differences, demonstrate increasing support for action for climate change in . . .
"West Virginia allows painkiller addicts to sue prescribing doctors"
In case you missed it - from Wednesday's "CBS Evening News"
From the CBS Evening News:
About two million Americans are hooked on prescription painkillers. In 2012, 259 million prescriptions were written -- that's one bottle for every American adult. CBS News went to West Virginia, a state that is attempting a drastic solution: allowing addicts to sue the doctors who got them hooked.
. . .
Posted in: drugs