The Wheeling Alternative
More biased reporting from our local "newspapers"
The locals are at it again -- dropping material that they don't like from Associated Press reports
The morning Intelligencer
The issue is Obama's right to name a Supreme Court justice. The Republicans have said that they will not consider any nominee put forward by the President and here is this morning's AP story. The Intelligencer version, however, conveniently edits out the AP material that might help its readers to . . .
West Virginia's presidential primaries and the war on Obama
A recent poll on this year's West Virginia primary elections
A new Metro News poll of West Virginia voters shows Trump and Sanders with large leads:
A Metro News West Virginia Poll shows Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders with significant leads among likely presidential primary voters in the state.
. . .
A constitutional convention?
More mischief from the WV Senate
The West Virginia Senate today called for a constitutional convention. According to the Gazette-Mail:
The resolution passed by the Senate (SCR 10) calls for a constitutional convention to limit the power of the federal government, to limit federal spending and for term limits on members of Congress.
The vote was . . .
Posted in: jeff kesslerrepublican legislatureryan ferns
Sometimes no publicity is the best publicity (with evening update)
Ryan Ferns and "free-publicity-for-our-favorites week"
I noted on Friday that it appeared that our local "newspapers" were celebrating "free-publicity-for-our-favorites week." As of this morning, the papers have covered Capito, McKinley, and Morissey but have ignored their favorite state senator, Ryan Ferns. Ferns has been making news but my hunch is that it doesn't lend . . .
Following the WV legislature 6
Active fracking bills
SB 508 - nuisance lawsuits
On Thursday SB 508 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. (I previously wrote about this bill here.) According to the Gazette-Mail:
The bill (SB 508) gives businesses virtual immunity from private “nuisance lawsuits” so long as the business does not violate a law, regulation or the terms of . . .
Posted in: frackingwv legislature
Local "newspapers" celebrate "free-publicity-for-our-favorites week" (with update)
Updated February 20
Rep. David McKinley
Yesterday, both local "newspapers" carried an article detailing Representative David McKinley's views on replacing Justice Antonin Scalia despite the fact that what McKinley believes doesn't matter -- members of the House have no input on the matter.
In the article McKinley rehashed the . . .
The Intelligencer weighs in on replacing Scalia
And so do our senators
Highlights of this morning's Intelligencer editorial (note -- no link - the editorial was not posted online):
For the good of all Americans, Scalia should be replaced by someone like him.
"All Americans?" That's a bit presumptuous -- you don't speak for me.
With less than a . . .