Statistics don't lie but . . . .
Some geeky stuff on the cost of electricity
It's time for another anti-Hillary editorial. It meets all of the criteria:
What makes it somewhat different is the emphasis on the use of statistics (one verifiable but the rest not) to support the editorial point that electricity prices have risen dramatically since the beginning of the Obama presidency and will rise . . .
Posted in: anti-clinton biasdonald trumpelectricity costshillary clintonintelligencer editorialobamawar on coal
If the Intelligencer didn't cover it, did it actually happen?
Covering/not covering the Supreme Court's most important abortion decision in 24 years (With late-afternoon correction)
4:30 PM CORRECTION -- A reader points out that the AP article is on page 10 of the morning Intelligencer. I missed it. I apologize to my readers and the Intelligencer.
On most mornings I read the print version of the Wheeling Intelligencer along with two newspapers online, the Charleston Gazette-Mail and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. . . .
Posted in: abortionwheeling intelligencer
The Sunday opinion section carries Delegate Ryan Weld's op-ed piece
A new low?
Page C4 of the opinion section has a guest column by the House of Delegates member Ryan Weld (R, Brooke and Ohio). The title, "Democrats Obstructed Budget Solely for Politics," describes the first fourth of the column. The rest of the column is a personal attack on Senator Jack Yost.
The column purports to be about the . . .
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 4
Mike Myer mails it in on a column that is essentially a collection of old Hillary Clinton quotes. Not much analysis and nothing that is new; it's mostly a "greatest hits" collection including the overplayed "we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business."
The column also has a . . .
Posted in: hillary clintonmike myer
Manchin and McKinley deal with gun control and due process
Joe Manchin
Last week West Virginia's Senator Joe Manchin took the lead in this year's "dumbest statement by a Democrat" competition. (Donald Trump has already won the award on the Republican side -- the only suspense surrounds which of many possible statements will win it for him.) Manchin was asked about the . . .
From the Ogden propaganda manual: "it can only be applied to Democrats"
Some questions to get us started -- which past presidential candidate stood in front of a coal plant, pointed at it and said "This plant kills." The candidate later shut down the plant.
Barack Obama, right? Wrong, it was Mitt Romney. (Here's an article that explains the context and verifies the accuracy of the . . .
Intelligencer sort-of covers the Senate's gun control vote
This morning's Intelligencer featured a front-page news story on yesterday's two gun control bills before the U.S. Senate. Almost all of the story came from a report from the Associated Press on the debates over two gun control pieces of legislation. To the AP report, the Intelligencer added two paragraphs on how our local senators . . .
Posted in: gun controlwheeling intelligencer