Trump and jobs for coal miners
Trump's Monday energy speech
Yesterday's local "newspapers" used an AP report to cover candidate Trump's energy address. Consequently, they missed his comments about reviving the coal industry. (That, or they're saving them for a later editorial.) Other newspapers did cover them. Here is what the Wall Street . . .
The News-Register doesn't understand what a fact checker does
Given their attitude toward facts, is this surprising?
This afternoon's lead editorial in the Wheeling News-Register takes the AP fact checker to task for (how can I delicately put this?) actually checking the facts. Here is how the editorial begins:
One of those "fact check" analyses of presidential candidate Donald Trump's speech on the economy made the limits of . . .
Our award-winning "newspapers"
This morning's front page of the Wheeling News-Register tells us that our two Wheeling "newspapers" won 17 awards in the 2016 West Virginia Press Association Better Newspaper Contest. Some of the awards that they won would be more important to those in the newspaper business than to the reading public -- advertising awards for . . .
Even if you're not fifty yet, this ought to bother you
I understand they still do it -- when you turn fifty the AARP (it used to stand for American Association of Retired Persons but that appears to have been dropped in favor of "real possibilities") will send you an invitation to join their organization. (I've always wondered how they know your age.) Their sales pitch for joining . . .
Covering/not covering climate change
On Tuesday the Associated Press did a major story on a recent report by NOAA on climate change:
Earth's fever got worse last year, breaking dozens of climate records, scientists said in a massive report nicknamed the annual physical for the planet.
Soon after 2015 ended, it was proclaimed the hottest on record . The new . . .
Trump and coal
Coal owners, mine inspectors and the cause of bird deaths
On Monday, Donald Trump was on the campaign trail in eastern Pennsylvania talking about coal:
“I have friends that own the mines. I mean, they can’t live,” he said.
Is he talking about Bob Murray. Wow! Who knew?
Trump explained why:
“The restrictions environmentally are so . . .
Posted in: coaldonald trumpwar on coalwind energy
An Ogden conflict of interest?
Of course not, just two editorials looking out for their readers' best interests
Some background:
I know that you've seen them in your local West Virginia newspaper (Ogden or otherwise). They are large ads, paid for by the Department of Environmental Protection and usually found in the classified section that detail certain kinds of air pollution permits. Ken Ward, Jr. in an article in this morning's . . .
Posted in: charleston gazetteintelligencer editorialnews-register editorialwheeling newspaper ethics