Last night's debates, media coverage of the "war on coal" and West Virginia's future
While I was writing about last night's West Virginia gubernatorial debate there was another debate going on between the Republican and Democratic vice presidential candidates. The statements of Mike Pence and Tim Kaine have been fact-checked here and here and apparently the "war on coal" did play a part in the debate. Here is . . .
Watching the West Virginia debate for governor
I watched the entire debate. (Admit it, you either ignored it or quickly flipped over to "Jeopardy" or a home shopping network which provided at least some intellectual stimulation.) In my case, I think there should be some sort of reward (in heaven or elsewhere) for devotion to the purposes of this blog.
Here is what I . . .
Posted in: bill colejim justicewv governor race
Will the mass media ever present a balanced picture of West Virginians?
CNN's "The 'forgotten tribe' in West Virginia; why America's white working class feels left behind"
This five minute CNN story on West Virginia's McDowell County first aired two weeks ago.
I found it significant that the West Virginians in the video are part of a "tribe" . . .
Posted in: west virginianswv stereotype
David McKinley is upset?!
Note -- When the House Ethics Committee slapped local representative David McKinley on the wrists earlier this week, I decided not to comment -- in the great scheme of things, this was the most minimal of punishments and not all that important. However, when this morning's Intelligencer carried Mike Myer's righteous defense of . . .
Late night reading about coal
A couple of interesting articles found during my travels around the net
"Is West Virginia Holding America’s Weirdest Election?" by Mason Adams in Politico
A sample:
A billionaire who built up a corporate empire from his father’s inheritance now is running his first major political campaign with a promise to shake up the establishment and restore prosperity after a long period of . . .
Which is worse? No supporting evidence or Trump evidence
An anti-Hillary editorial that uses both
Yesterday's Intelligencer editorial, "Reject Clinton Energy Claims," is another in a long line of anti-Clinton editorials and it's use of evidence remains true to Intelligencer form.
No evidence
Take this paragraph for example:
For many families, the cost of government limits on using coal to . . .
Blaming the victims and Obama for what's happened in Flint
An ugly News-Register editorial
This afternoon's News-Register editorial tells us that "Political Stunt Stalls Flood Aid." The editorial blames "ultra-liberals" and Democrats for holding up flood aid to West Virginia. Their crime was that they wanted Flint, Michigan to be part of the aid package. The editorial explains to us that the Republicans . . .