The Wheeling Alternative
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 11
"Fair and balanced" coverage of the health issue
Here are six paragraphs from today's balanced AP story on the candidates' health: the first two paragraphs summarize their health, the next two describe Trump's "swipe" at Clinton for her brief absence, and the last two feature Clinton's . . .
Finding "deplorable" columnists to support Wednesday's editorial
Yesterday, I commented on the Intelligencer editorial that attacked Hillary Clinton's for her assertion that half of Donald Trump's followers were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic ("deplorables"). The paper's defense was that she was attacking them because they disagreed with her; Trump's own . . .
Morrisey watch 19
Old whatever (it wasn't news back in August) gets recycled for another front-page story
Today's front-page of the Wheeling Intelligencer has what is most-likely an old Morrisey PR release posing as an actual news story. The article by Joselyn King features Attorney General Morrisey (with a picture) and has this headline:
Doctors Endorse Morrisey's Opiod Plan
Here's the lede:
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Posted in: intelligencer propagandapatrick morrisey
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 10
Tuesday's Intelligencer editorials
"Showing Disdain for 'Coal People'"
According to this morning's lead editorial Bill Clinton joked in Pennsylvania last week that the "coal people" in eastern Kentucky and West Virginian "don't like any of us anymore." The editorial goes on to tell us that "coal people" have . . .
Covering Monday's energy innovation conference
It's a good day for local favorites McKinley and Capito (even if she wasn't there)
Covering the conference -- the Intelligencer and the Associated Press saw it differently
Casey Junkins, local reporter and energy propagandist, covered the conference for the local "newspapers." Jonathan Matisse, who reports on West Virginia for the Associated Press, wrote the AP story.
. . .
Answering climate change by demonizing Obama (part 1)
Ignore the science, the man is out to get us!
On March 16 of this year, I wrote:
I've been doing this blog for over two years and one of the constants has been the Intelligencer's and the News-Register's refusal to acknowledge that President Obama has ever acted for what he believes is the best interest of the country; that, at the least, his actions might be . . .
Morrisey watch 18
Good news, bad news for Doug Reynolds
The good news for West Virginia Attorney General candidate Doug Reynolds (D) is that for the first time in four months (the day after the West Virginia primary) his name has made it into a Wheeling "newspaper." The bad news is that he's featured in a 950 word hit-piece disguised as an opinion column by Intelligencer editor Mike . . .
Posted in: doug reynoldsmike myerpatrick morrisey