How would Trump's proposed budget affect West Virginians?
Wheeling "newspapers" give us very little information on that critical question
Last November, the state of West Virginia overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump for president. What does the president's budget do to repay the state? If you read this morning's "newspaper" you did not learn very much about how Trump's proposed budget will affect West Virginians.
The Intelligencer used two AP . . .
Posted in: donald trumptrump budgetwheeling newspapers
Two upcoming events
ACLU Director and "Blood on the Mountain"
WV ACLU Director Joseph Cohen tonight at 7 PM at the Wheeling Public Library
The Director of the West Virginia ACLU will be speaking tonight in Wheeling. Here is the Facebook write-up for the event:
Civil liberties are under attack at both the state and federal level. The onslaught is so intense, and coming at such an . . .
Posted in: blood on the mountainwv aclu
Town hall update
Manchin to do four this week, Capito and McKinley none
The AP is reporting that Senator Manchin will take part in four town hall meetings this week in Martinsburg, South Charleston, Huntington and Morgantown.
Representative McKinley and Senator Capito continue to avoid them. Capito has been making noises that she may not support the current Republican health care proposal but I don't . . .
Which is more important? The CBO report or Representative Bill Johnson's speech to Bridgeport High?
Examining the Intelligencer's news priorities
Look to this morning's Intelligencer for an answer
Here are this morning's top-of-the-front-page headlines for major U.S. newspapers as illustrated by
New York Times:
24 Million More Among Underinsured Under G.O.P. Plan
USA Today:
ACA repeal may boost uninsured . . .
Posted in: bill johnsonobamacare replacement
"Safeguarding Our Liberty, Prosperity"
Hey, its News Sunshine Week and so we get to read yet another self-congratulatory editorial
Three or four times a year, our local "newspapers" praise themselves for unselfishly doing what is right for their readers (at least as they see it). Anniversaries of both papers' founding are sure things as well as "Newspaper Sunshine Week." With Sunshine Week upon us, today's editorial, "Safeguarding Our . . .
Posted in: donald trumpethical journalismfair and balancedfake newsnews-register editorialogden newspaper hypocricywheeling newspaper ethicswheeling newspapers
The locals continue to lie about health care
A sign of desperation?
Two more days worth of editorials in the Wheeling News-Register demonstrates that last week's attack upon Obamacare's popularity was just the beginning of our local papers' repeal efforts. So desperate are they to see Obamacare ended that they are clearly willing to lie about its passage and how it relates to the current . . .
Posted in: obamacareobamacare replacementpelosi quote
Old Koch-financed poll results passed off as front page news
The headline on Thursday's Wheeling Intelligencer's front page story by Joselyn King tells us:
Poll: W.Va. Parents Want School Choice
The poll was done by the Koch-sponsored Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy. Its findings were released three weeks ago. (Isn't this old news?) Usually pollsters . . .
Posted in: educationkochwheeling newspapers