Editor Mike Myer in today’s Wheeling Intelligencer: Black lung “is making a comeback”
Sorry, it’s been back, and Myer’s column cannot hide the fact that the Trump Administration and Republican Party are the reason why the federal Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is $4 billion in debt
Early in today’s column about Trump’s comments about black lung, editor Myer tells us:
Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis, as the disease is known to medical professionals, is making a comeback.
No, it’s been back as a December 2017 Wheeling Intelligencer editorial told us almost 20 months ago:
In some . . .
WV Senator Shelley Moore Capito apparently watched a different set of Mueller hearings
That, or she missed this:
Rep. Jerry Nadler: "The president has repeatedly claimed that your report found there was no obstruction, and that it completely and totally exonerated him. But that is not what your report said, it is?"
— ABC News Politics . . .
Robert Mueller: "Correct." https://t.co/BBuU9KYFPE pic.twitter.com/vPi66g6ixO
Posted in: shelley moore capito
The Wheeling Intelligencer gives us a “bottom line” look at what President Trump has done for us
And just like our president, the Wheeling Intelligencer has no problem lying to us
On coal
From this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer editorial:
We know for a fact that he kept the promises he made to West Virginians. The “war on coal” prosecuted with such vigor by the previous administration was reexamined under Trump. Environmental Protection Agency initiatives launched solely to close coal mines . . .
Updates for contacting me and commenting
Contacting me
My previous website at Wheeling Alternative.com had an easy-to-find link to contact me which I then referenced on this site after I moved. Earlier this year, I allowed the ownership of the domain name "Wheeling Alternative " to expire. Apparently, someone bought the name and is now calling the page . . .
The Washington Post continues its in-depth examination of America’s opioid problem
Did you know that Ohio County received 49 pain pills per resident in 2012?
The best reporting on West Virginia’s and the nation’s drug crisis continues to be from the Washington Post. In the last couple of days, the newspaper has published several articles and a database dealing with the nationwide epidemic:
Posted in: opioidswv drug problems
How did our elected representatives respond to Trump's racism?
To no one's surprise, Representative McKinley blames the Democrats
From WV Metro News
McKinley said Trump has been “under relentless pressure” from Democrats and reporters, which led to “his inarticulate and counterproductive response” on Twitter.
McKinley also suggested:
Both sides . . .
Getting “nothing but the best” with “the advice and consent of the Senate”
Hey, Senator Capito: Could you and your fellow Republicans put down the rubber stamp for a while and actually do your job
This morning, amid the stories about the resignation of Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, a number of national news sources did a companion piece documenting the large number of departures from the Trump administration along with their various legal and/or ethical reasons for leaving. (For examples, see the Washington Post and the BBC.) The lists . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capito