Congressman McKinley: the two biggest retailers in the state of West Virginia are responding to the gun crisis, when will you?
First Walmart, now Kroger reacts to gun violence
The headline from the Washington Post earlier today:
Following Walmart’s lead, Kroger asks customers not to openly carry firearms in stores
It begins:
Kroger followed Walmart in asking customers not to display their firearms in stores located in “open carry” states, becoming the latest big chain to . . .
Posted in: david mckinleygun controlguns
Newspapers on the cheap (the saga continues)
More examples of how Bob Nutting makes money in the newspaper business: a front-page non-story about an Ogden-favored candidate and two irrelevant editorials from Ogden’s Steubenville paper
(I most recently wrote about Nutting's "newspapers on the cheap" business model here.)
Breaking: Joanna Tabit continues to run for office
The front page of this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer tells us that “Tabit to Try Again For Supreme Court.” In May of this year, Chief Kanawha Circuit Judge Joanna Tabit . . .
Still shilling for the fracking industry
A recent Intelligencer editorial tells us: “Gas Executive Right on Values”
Saturday’s Intelligencer editorial explains how new ownership at the large fracking company, EQT, cares about West Virginia. “Gas Executive Right on Values” tells us:
West Virginians are big on the concept of being good neighbors. So, when the head of the second-largest natural gas producer in our state talks about “old-school . . .
Posted in: eqtfrackingwheeling intelligencer editorial
Putting on a different mask: despite what they say, they're still climate change deniers
Today’s paper says nothing about the EPA’s new methane rules, and it attacks Bernie Sanders’ motive instead of dealing with his climate change plan
Methane? What methane?
This morning, major papers across the United States gave front-page coverage to yesterday’s important story on the environmental impact of the EPA’s decision to weaken its methane rules.
From the New York Times:
EPA to Weaken Control on Gas Tied to Warming
The Washington . . .
Today’s Wheeling newspapers: “We don’t need no stinkin’ landfill 34 miles from Wheeling to editorially attack when we’ve got national Democrats!”
After a 2-year absence, our local Ogden papers appear to have returned to their old editorial habits
Since 2017, the local papers have claimed on various occasions that they are “community newspapers.” On Saturday, the Intelligencer once again reminded us:
But local matters - things affecting the everyday lives of our readers - were and are priorities at The Intelligencer.
That description partly . . .
Still clueless on millennials?
It doesn’t matter -- editor Mike Myer suggests how to bring them back to West Virginia
On the front page of yesterday's Wheeling News-Register, editor Mike Myer wants to “Bring the Kids Back Home.” Last January, Myer wrote a similar column. (No link – it wasn’t posted. I wrote about it here.) Like that earlier column, Myer has still not done any research into that age group or what they believe is important. Instead, the . . .
Posted in: mike myermillennials
Will the real David McKinley please stand up?
The congressman says different things about red flag laws in different parts of his congressional district but no one at an Ogden call him out on it
Five days ago, the Wheeling News-Register’s front page featured this story about West Virginia’s 1st District congressman:
McKinley Backs ‘Red Flag’ Gun Regulations
McKinley, of course, was following President Trump’s lead and our local Republican paper was more than willing to publicize how one of its favorites . . .
Posted in: david mckinleygun contrologden favorite