The calendar reads 2020 but it sure looks like 1984 (with update)
From the front page of today's Washington Post: "National Archives exhibit blurs images critical of President Trump"
Today’s Washington Post has an important story about how the National Archives is rewriting history:
The large color photograph that greets visitors to a National Archives exhibit celebrating the centennial of women’s suffrage shows a massive crowd filling Pennsylvania Avenue NW for the Women’s March on Jan. 21, 2017, . . .
Posted in: orwellrewriting historytrump presidency
News and tweets from around the web
Trump's lawbreaking, a member of his family proves she's in the right family, and another Christian voice speaks out
“But he didn’t break any law.” Really?
Here’s an important AP article you won’t find* in this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer:
Watchdog: White House violated law in freezing Ukraine aid
It begins:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House violated federal law in withholding security assistance to . . .
Posted in: impeachmenttrump presidency
Capito discusses impeachment
West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito was on Morgantown’s WAJR Radio this morning to talk about impeachment. In the segment, Capito briefly explained how impeachment would proceed. She was then asked about additional witnesses:
“I think that’s what we should do, and I haven’t heard both sides, then have questions, and I’m . . .
Posted in: impeachmentshelley moore capito
Profiting from war
Trump gives out a stock tip
The Daily Beast describes:
In the five days prior to launching a strike that killed Iran’s most important military leader, Donald Trump roamed the halls of Mar-a-Lago, his private resort in Florida, and started dropping hints to close associates and club-goers that something huge . . .
Posted in: irantrump presidency
Trump news from around the Web
Can you identify Iran on a map? Could the president? Additionally: the latest poll on Trump’s actions and a video on the MAGA Church
Where is Iran?
Only 28% of Americans can correctly identify it on a map according to a new Morning Consult poll:
NEW from me: We asked folks to identify Iran on an unlabeled map.
— Joanna Piacenza (@jpiacenza) January . . .
28% of them got it right. Here's where they guessed.
Posted in: irantrump presidency
Kathleen Parker’s predictions
A closer look at an Ogden syndicated columnist
I rarely comment on Ogden's syndicated columnists -- I usually have other local, state and national issues that I can write about. This one deserves a post, however.
Ogden's columnists, except for former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich (who can sometimes be found in the Friday News-Register), usually run the gamut from . . .
Posted in: ogden syndicated columnists
Bolton willing to testify in the Senate impeachment trial
WV Senator Capito waits for her instructions on how she should respond
Former national security adviser John Bolton announced in a statement that he is willing to testify in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Bolton, who was ousted in September, has been a key figure in the impeachment inquiry. Multiple witnesses in the House impeachment inquiry testified that . . .
Posted in: impeachmentshelley moore capito