Yesterday, 33 Republicans joined Democrats to renew the Violence Against Women Act
Guess who was not among them
NBC News explains the vote:
The House on Thursday passed an extension of the Violence Against Women Act, which provides protections for survivors of domestic violence, and includes new gun-related provisions that are opposed by the NRA. . . .
The bill today, which would extend the law for five years, includes new provisions that would make it harder for domestic abusers to gain access to guns.
Those include an attempt to close the so-called 'boyfriend' loophole, prohibiting those convicted of stalking or abusing individuals with whom they have been in a relationship that did not include marriage from buying a gun.
WV District 1 representative David McKinley voted against the Act as did fellow WV Republicans Miller and Mooney. Across-the-river Ohio representative Bill Johnson was also a “no” vote.
Back in 2013, McKinley was one of only 33 Republicans to vote for the Act. I have searched for McKinley’s justification for yesterday’s vote against VAWA but have found nothing. Perhaps the congressman has changed his mind. Maybe he sees nothing wrong with convicted abusers being able to buy firearms. Or more likely, he doesn’t want to upset the NRA.