Senator Capito talks about impeachment (on Fox News, of course)
And from her responses, she also didn’t watch the same hearings that I watched
Yesterday, West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito was on Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier." Baier asked her about impeachment:
BAIER: Senator, there are some Republicans, Will Hurd from Texas, others, who've said that what the President did and how he did it was inappropriate, but not impeachable.
CAPITO: Well, I think it --
BAIER: Are you in that camp?
CAPITO: Well, I think probably that his inquiries could be construed as such, but all the evidence that we've seen have been second and third-hand evidence. So, I'll take what Adam Schiff in his own words and the seriousness in which he said it -- I think he protests too much in his closing statement, because he knows that the facts are not there. The president hasn't been able to defend himself. And so, the process has been very much not what our Founders wanted. Not what our rule of law's founded on, but is being used as a divisive partisan exercise and it's not doing justice to our system.
Of course, Baer asked no follow-ups on whether there were first-hand witnesses, the role that the House plays is supposed to play in the impeachment process, or what the Founders wanted. The purpose of Capito's appearance was to simply repeat and reinforce the Republican talking points.
Here’s her take on how impeachment is playing in West Virginia:
CAPITO: If we took a poll in West Virginia, it would be 65 percent “no impeachment,” and it would be 100 percent “why don't you do the jobs that you're sent to do, which is to fund the government, support the military, and move forward on the really important issues of the day.”
Senator Capito also talked about how impeachment was “impeding legislative efforts” without mentioning how the Republican Senate has done next-to-nothing with House-passed legislation.
It’s taken a while to hear from Capito on impeachment although her answers sounded like most other Republican answers. (She’s obviously learned the script.) And if she stays away from Chris Wallace on Fox, she knows that there won’t be any tough follow-up questions.
Note – Yesterday, I was working on a post about Representative McKinley's use of local media when I stopped to write about his “War of Northern Aggression” comment. (See previous post.) Now, I cannot find it. I’m sure that the local congressman will do the same thing sometime soon – I’ll write about it then.