Egads, the lengths the Intelligencer will go to attack Hillary Clinton. In today's editorial, we learn the Clinton has a "master plan" for "Pitting Ohio Voters Against Each Other." What's the plan?
Pitting rural Ohioans against urban dwellers is part of Clinton's master plan.
I think that's called "an election strategy" and it doesn't take much insight to realize that both parties and most politicians use some form of it. In fact, the Intelligencer uses it in the editorial:
Months ago, in telling supporters she wants massive new taxes on fossil fuel producers and consumers, Clinton said one purpose for the revenue collected would be to send more federal money to big cities.
First, I could find no Clinton quote, policy proposal, or any evidence to support this assertion. Second, note who, according to the Intelligencer, will be the beneficiaries of those non-existent proposals -- big city residents. So, based on no evidence or support whatsoever, the Intelligencer deliberately pits those of us who live in the "hinterlands" against those who live in "big cities." (Of course, we "hinterland" residents know who lives in the "big cities.") Nice.