The News-Register rewrites recent history
Mike Flynn broke no laws and Mike Pence is a major reason why Trump won the election
From Friday afternoon's News-Register editorial:
It does not appear Flynn broke any laws in talking with diplomat about U.S. sanctions had not come up in the talks.
Some other news sources would beg to differ. Here's the Washington Post:
In conveying that message, Flynn may have broken a law against unauthorized individuals negotiating with foreign governments over conflicts. He is unlikely to face legal sanction, however, because that law dates to 1799 and has never been used in a prosecution.
And here's CNN:
There are two laws that may have been broken here -- the Logan Act and the crime of making false statements.
The article goes on to explain how he may have broken both laws.
(Note -- these are just two of many sources that suggest law-breaking by Flynn.)
No, according to the News-Register, what is troubling about what Flynn did was the fact that he was not truthful with Vice President Mike Pence. The editorial concludes that the VP "should not be subjected to such treatment" because Pence was a major reason why Trump won the election:
A substantial number of voter last fall set aside concerns about Trump's temperament and voted for him in large measure because they respected Pence, after all.
Really? I must be living in a different reality.
Note -- no link to the editorial - it is not currently online.