Sinclair Broadcasting updates
Local station WTOV's parent company continues to make news
Today in Salon, Charlie May writes about how the right wing media company has been ignoring requests from the government's regulatory agency:
Right-wing Sinclair Broadcast Group snubs FCC, gets away with it
The subheading reads:
Sinclair’s loyalties lie with the president — which is perhaps why they get a free pass just as Trump vilifies NBC
Additionally, Sinclair Broadcasting's Mark Hyman recently attacked one of the better fact-checkers on the Web, Politifact. The fact-checker responded here with what they originally published and how Sinclair distorted it.
Finally, in case you missed it: last night the "PBS Newshour" did an excellent investigative piece on the company with "How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news." Here's the video (I don't know why the link has an image of John Oliver at the beginning):