Keeping us informed as only Ogden papers can
Can’t have enough pictures of bridge work!
Looking for President Trump
If you get a chance, take a look at the front page of today's major American newspapers featured at Kiosko. You’ll notice that stories that deal with Trump and impeachment dominate those pages. On the other hand, at the end of the first week of the House investigation into the Trump presidency, our local “newspapers” are either ignoring or paying only slight attention to the inquiry. In the morning Intelligencer, the only reference to “Trump” that I could find in the entire paper appears on the last page (p. 24) in a story about the Kentucky governor’s race:
Bevin, an ally of President Donald Trump, made the dramatic announcement. . . .
Additionally, the morning editorial page, with two editorials, two syndicated columnists, and a political cartoon makes no mention of the president. (Note – the political cartoon did take a shot at Adam Schiff.)
The afternoon paper appears to acknowledge that there is an impeachment inquiry going on: it give us slightly more than half of an 833 word AP story on page 3 about the former Ukraine ambassador’s appearance this morning before the committee, an Andrew Napolitano column about impeachment, and an anti-impeachment political cartoon.
Bridge work
Both papers featured two pictures of local bridge work that took up about half of the available front-page news space. To Ogden’s credit, the pictures were different! The accompanying explanation remained the same, however.
The morning paper gave us two editorials: one on adjusting the time of day that public schools in Ohio start the school day and another on praise for the Ohio adoption program of Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas. The former is an example of Ogden’s editorial page economies of scale (I counted five Ogden Ohio papers that have already printed the same editorial) and the latter appears to be a rewrite of a Wendy’s PR release.
Can’t get enough of those irrelevant-to-West Virginians Ohio editorials? Ogden just bought two more Ohio newspapers
Earlier today, from the Associated Press:
Ogden Newspapers will purchase The Courier of Findlay and the Review Times of Fostoria in Ohio from the Findlay Publishing Co.
The Courier reports the two companies announced the purchase Wednesday. Findlay Publishing says it will continue to operate three radio stations in Findlay and four in Columbus, Indiana.
The president and CEO of Findlay Publishing, Karl Heminger, says he believes Wheeling, West Virginia-based Ogden Newspapers is the right choice to steward the two publications going forward.
Has Mr. Heminger ever read an Ogden newspaper?