Covering the important local and state stories?
Newspapers on the cheap (part 457)
If you worked through the quiz by starting with the premise that Wheeling papers would not be covering the economics connected with a coal plant in Marshall County, you probably arrived at the correct answers. Yes, the Intelligencer's top story was
Big Issues Coming Before Pennsylvania Voters Tuesday
(The PA turnpike story was from the Post-Gazette, the Ohio childcare from the Dispatch, and the Gazette-Mail covered the coal plant.)
Additionally, the upcoming Pennsylvania election was also Sunday's top story on Ogden’s SUNDAY EXTRA e-paper beating out:
Wellsburg’s Don Baker Has Passion For Fire Trucks
Obviously, a local fire truck collector is important; how then is an AP article on Pennsylvania’s primary the top story in a West Virginia paper? My answer: for our local Ogden “newspapers,” filling-up space cheaply/quickly always trumps news relevance.