Another Murray Energy press release posing as front-page news
This morning's Wheeling Intelligencer carries yet another Murray Energy press release disguised as an actual news article. "EPA Responds To Court Ruling On Clean Air Act" is mislabeled. A more accurate title would be "Murray Energy Responds to EPA" since two-thirds of the article covers Murray Energy's response with over half of that being direct quotes from CEO Robert Murray.
In the article, Casey Junkins, local propagandist for the fossil fuel industry and sometimes reporter, explains the case before Judge Bailey in his first two paragraphs and then quotes part of the EPA 's response in the third paragraph. The remaining eight paragraphs are devoted to Murray Energy's reaction to the EPA response.
After reading the article, I went looking for more information including additional details on the EPA's response. I started by searching for the EPA lawyer's quotation thinking that other news sources would have certainly covered this. Regardless of how I searched, the only source that came up was the Junkins article. Additionally, I could find no legal documents and Coal Age, which is usually very quick to cover any coal-related story, had nothing. I doubted that Junkins had actually talked to the EPA lawyers and so I concluded that the only source for what the EPA lawyers' said in the article had to be Murray Energy. And yes, that means that Murray Energy is the source for all of the information found in the article.